06.červen 2023 (út)

Gala koncert v Lichtenštejnském paláci

A. Vivaldi, W. A. Mozart, J. S. Bach

Lichtenštejnský palác (Malostranské nám.) - galerie | Klasická hudba

75 minut | Není k dispozici

Celkové hodnocení:

Rated 5/5 based on 6
5,00/ 5

It was awesome,but too short,I wished to last longer😢, really, really outstanding!!!

4,00/ 5

5,00/ 5

Lovely performance in glorious setting. Ensemble played some classical favourites appreciated by the audience. Nothing negative but signage to the event could be improved and the lovely room was on the warm side but it was 30’C+ outside. Location good for restaurants after this short but lovely pre-prandial entertainment.

5,00/ 5

I highly recommend this concert.

5,00/ 5

The concert was brilliant.

4,00/ 5